Il cisto è un antico rimedio della regione mediterranea, dove viene assunto sotto forma di tè. Grazie al suo elevato contenuto di polifenoli e flavonoidi è ritenuto un ottimo rimedio contro l'influenza e il raffreddore. È un arbusto nano perenne, ma non resistente all'inverno, la cui altezza può variare dai 25 ai 90 cm. Le foglie secernono una resina appiccicosa chiamata ladano. Questa sostanza era già nota agli egiziani e veniva usata nelle miscele di incenso profumato. Oggi è usato anche nell'industria dei profumi.
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Good seeds Almost all seeds germinated and I got severas plants now. They grow a bit slow at first and develop the distinctive scent only after they've grown a bit, but after several months they have branched out and doing very well.
Almost all seeds germinated and I got severas plants now. They grow a bit slow at first and develop the distinctive scent only after they've grown a bit, but after several months they have branched out and doing very well.
Germinates well The cistus seeds germinated well, I didn't even plant all of them because I wanted to see first how it goes, but many sprouted and are now growing beautifully. So far, they've been very easy to grow.
The cistus seeds germinated well, I didn't even plant all of them because I wanted to see first how it goes, but many sprouted and are now growing beautifully. So far, they've been very easy to grow.
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